Read about some of the families we have supported
All of these stories are true, but the pictures of the families have been posed by models to protect their privacy.
If you would like to share your positive experiences of Home-Start South West Kent on this page please get in touch.

Adeola’s Story
Adeola and her three children had been re housed after leaving a women’s refuge.
Adeola had left an abusive relationship and found herself living in a new area with no friends or family support. She was very tearful and said the children were badly behaved and the youngest cried all the time. A Home-Start volunteer visited weekly for offering Adeola listening visits for her emotional support and ideas and strategies to improve the children’s behaviour. She helped Adeola to begin rebuilding her life practically and emotionally. Gradually Adeola’s confidence improved, she was able to engage better with her children and began voluntary work in the local community.

Jade’s Story
Jade has three children under five. The eldest, Callum has ADHD and Jade is struggling to manage his behaviour meaning she rarely leaves the home.
Jade felt unable to cope and rarely left the house as she felt she couldn’t keep the children safe when our because of Callum’s behaviour. With the help of a Home-Start volunteer Jade was able to learn to manage better. Her volunteer visited weekly, initially spending time playing with Callum. Gradually Jade’s relationship with Callum improved and she learned how to interact with him and better manage his ADHD.
She also began to be able to structure her day to balance the needs of the children with managing the house and felt confident in taking the children out to the local park. When support ended, Callum was settled in school and Jade was continuing to learn how to manage his difficult behaviour.

Tania’s Story
Tania and her two year old were in debt and living in unsuitable housing
Tania was suffering with anxiety and depression. She was in debt and living in unsuitable housing which wasn’t safe for a two year old. A Home-Start volunteer encouraged Tania to contact her housing association to report her problems, and to negotiate the bidding process for social housing.
The volunteer also gently encouraged Tania to approach a debt counselling service. Once Tania had addressed her debts she was able to accept a move to a more suitable property, where both she and her child felt more happy and relaxed. Tania began attending local groups, enrolled her daughter in the local pre school and began looking for work.

Lisa’s Story
Lisa was struggling with post-natal illness after the birth of her second child
Lisa's husband works long hours and Lisa felt very alone and frustrated. She had suffered with post natal depression after her first child and her symptoms were more severe after her second. Regular visits by a trained Home-Start volunteer helped Lisa during her recovery. The volunteer was able to offer a listening ear to Lisa – someone to share her worries with. The volunteer was also able to interact and play with the children if Lisa wasn’t feeling able to herself. Gradually Lisa’s condition improved and she was able to begin to enjoy being with her young children. After six months Lisa felt ready to start attending a support group where she was able to swap tips and make friends with other mums.